Thursday, December 29, 2011


2011 sucked. like bad.  so its totally appropriate that im ending it in bed, sick.  sore throats are probably my least favorite illness. two of my favorite things aren't fun anymore-talking & eating.  blahh.  anyways, me and magno are both really excited for 2011 to end, although we are grateful for our health & overall amazing lives, 2011 just didn't tickle our pickles.  I remember writing my new years resolutions last year (here) so i thought i should do that now before the new year gets here.  and by the way, surprisingly enough, 2 of the resolutions were accomplished! The 1st one (a job in the wedding industry) when i accepted the internship at Petals by Xavi, and 2 (eating healthier) which at the time I wrote that I was living without a dishwasher, so cooking rarely happened which meant FAST FOOD! now that I have a lovely kitchen with dishwasher, I cook at least 5 days a week & anything that you personally cook is way healthier:)

2012 Resolutions

1. Again, homeownership.  I can't think of anything greater.

2. Meatless Monday.  We normally have one night a week with a totally meatless meal for dinner, but I want to extend that & do 2 or more days a week meatless.  I was a vegetarian for about 10 years & somehow, someway, fell off the wagon & cant seem to get back on.  So I'd like to keep our meat eating to a minimum and discover more yummy meatltess meals.

3. Figure out whats up with my skin!  this seems so silly but i swear, the past few months my skin has been breaking out worse than a teenager & I just can't figure it out!  I've tried every face wash imaginable & i've even cut coffee out of my diet ( 8 days strong so far!).  Along with that, I've been drinking an antioxidant tea twice a day that's supposedly great for your skin.  But I still don't see any great results.  I've done tons of research & diagnosed myself with hormonal imbalance.  I don't (and wont) take pills for it so i'll keep pushing ahead & trying to find something that works.  fingers crossed because my husband is sick of hearing "no i dont want to go out because im so ugly & people will run & scream when they see me!!" ahhaah. ahh yes, dramatic me at my best.

4. Regain a job in the wedding industry.  Unfortunately my internship didn't end up working out because of some crazy drama that happened which resulted in me quitting.  It really was a blessing in disguise though because I was able to branch out & start doing wedding planning on my own.  While i LOVE doing that & will continue to do it, I also want a more stable job as a wedding planner. maybe for a country club or wedding venue.  Something to keep me planning weddings ALL the time:)

Theres my 2012 resolutions, all pretty attainable if you ask me.  #1 is a bit of a stretch, but ya never know:)  Hope you all have a great NYE & an AMAZING 2012!

I'll be back with a Christmas post when im not sick=(

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