Monday, May 9, 2011

bad kramer

I woke up Saturday morning with a voicemail from the bank....we had gone in to add my name to magnos business account (for immigration) & we asked about a home loan while we were there. We explained our situation & the girl we were talking with said she'd find out if a SS was totally required to get a home loan. After we got the voicemail, we learned that its NOT! this whole time we've been waiting on that, and the loan manager at wells fargo says its doable. We were a little surprised, and a little relieved. Now we dont HAVE to wait till all this immigration stuff is done to star the process! BUT, we don't have quite a big enough down payment yet so we wanna wait on that for a bit:) BUT, we definitely took our home search a little more seriously. We started looking in different places and one of them was aliso viejo. Its not too far away but home prices are a little cheaper, and theres more of them! so we figured we'd take a drive over there and scope it out . We found the cutest little complex around a lake, we both fell in love with it!

too bad those houses probably NEVER go up for sale! plus, they were a  lot more than we wanted/are able to spend.  but it was nice dreaming;)

After driving around another 10 minutes and seeing NOTHING-we decided that aliso viejo wasnt going to be an option.  we need city.  we need a ross & a marshalls within 2 miles...we need OPTIONS!!! we tried though;) after that we took kramer home & then left to go get some food...we found another GREAT place in the circle called gabbi's....super good & fresh mexican food-my new fave! then we walked around the circle to get cards for mothers day.  theres a really cute store called victoria co & we found adorable cards there but the store didnt take debit!  the adorable lady that is ALwAYS there told us just to take them, that its ok! she was adorable! of course we couldnt just steal her merchandise haha but we came back with the money later on, which fully surprised her! i <3 nice people:)  The store is jam packed with just cute stuff...thats the only way to describe it!

i found (and bought!) a bride rubber could i not??!

the next day was mothers day.  all the girls went to see Thor.  i hated it.  Magno saw it on friday with his friend afer work and LOVED it!! just goes to show what different taste we have haha. 
later that night kramer went outside to pee and would not come in! i couldn't see him in the dark yard so i sent magno out there to see what he was doing...and its a DARN good thing i sent magno cause it turned out to be kramer snacking on a dead baby opossum.  We dont know how it died, how long ago it died, or if kramer actually swallowed any, but none-the-less we freaked out and immediately bathed kramer.  as soon as we woke up this morning we took kramer in to get shots & dewormed.  He'll be fine, and he looked regretful as soon as we got home.

& lastly, this is why i love spring/summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am glad that Aliso Viejo is not do-able! You might as well move to Arizona, it's about the same distance. I know you will find something soon, and within a few weeks of moving in, it'll be fully decorated and have the "Kat and Magno" stamp all over it!